We’ll test your density verification strips and provide new ones, too.

We update our NIST-traceable lab standard densitometers quarterly with NIST SRM-1008 reference material.

We offer 5-step density-reference verification strips traceable to this standard, which corresponds to the ANSI PH2.19-1986 and IT2.19-1991 protocol; this assumes that filtration for IR and UV is present in the receptor.

Your own instrument may be calibrated to the ANSI PH219.1976 protocol. You may also have a reference strip provided at the time of calibration which reflects the differences in filtration response when compared to the new protocol. Reference strips expire 18 months after production.

If you have a strip within +/- 6 months of expiration and want it re-verified to the specific ANSI protocol, send it in and we will test it for transmission densi and color filtration accuracy. Those strips within parameters may be renewed; if not, you will be advised of a solution.

Please note: a density verification with a new reference strip is NOT an NIST-traceable calibration! It is merely a slope intersection adjustment.